Undertale Ships

Heyyy today imma do some Undertale ships. If you don’t know what ships are it’s when you say that like 2 people are perfect for each other. If you think this is weird and don’t want to read it then don’t. Let get started!

Toriel x Sans

Ok now this ship is OTP, suggested in the game, and just completely adorable. Now normally people ship Frisk with Sans and I get that but this is waaaay better. I TOTALLY SHIP THEM!!

Papyrus x Muffet

idk where this ship came from but I mean it is so just completely perfect! Papyrus and Muffet both try really hard to capture you but just cannot do it. They both have a lot of misunderstandings and I just think it would be S COOTE!

Undyne x Alphys

K now you are not allowed to say no I don’t like this ship. It’s in the game! They both are perfect for each other! So stop saying no to this ship. Or go take it up with Toby Fox himself!

Mettaton x Napstablook

While I get how this could be weird it is also the best ship EVER! Napstablook is self doubting and sad. Mettaton is sure footed, full of himself, and just never doubtful. You see how these two need each other to balance this ship out. Plus a robot ghost? Or a ghost robot how cool would that be?

Nice Cream Guy x Burgerpants

ok this just needs to happen. There are comics about them, and I personally think it’s perfect. They both sell food. Burgerpants sells burgers and Nice Cream Guy sells ice cream. Dinner and desert. You really can’t have one without the other so, you can’t have one of these monsters without the other.

Temmie x Annoying Dog

ok I don’t need to say anything other than, so DERPP.

Frisk x Monster Kid

So Frisk and Monster Kid are both kids I know it they are just so cute. Both of them can and can’t be stereotypical. They are funny and just appear A LOT! This needs to happen and I need to see this.

So guys that is all I have for now if you think of any Undertale ships you want me to add go ahead and leave them in the comments. If you want me to do any other game ships leave those in the comments too. I will basically do any game but it may take a while. Yaaay BYEEEEE!


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