SOL Number One Comment Wars

Hiii guys. Today is my first SOL post of 2017 YAAAY IM SO EXCITED. So ya let’s dive straight into it.


So during reading I was looking at a pag my friend made. She asked if any of us wanted her to make something. I posted a comment saying I wanted a rabbit and she knew what it needed to look like. She was like “I think I know but I need to make sure” I replied

” … who else would I want Bonnie? HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH…” she laughed. So then my other friend posted something that said

“Sophie I think you’re gonna have a bad tem.”If you don’t know that is an Undertale reference. Sans at the end says you’re gonna have a bad time. Ano there is a character named Tem so yay. Then I told my friend

“Well why don’t you tell Sans to come fight me and not to run away like a chicken.” At this point it was just completely random. He made a smirking emoji face. So I pretended to answer for Sans and said

“SURE ILL FIGHT YOU YOU DIRTY BROTHER KILLER!” Then I answered for Chara and pretended to reply. Basically I was having a conversation with myself. Then Sarah joined in and pretended to be herself. It continued all through reading. We were laughing and replying to each others comments. At the end of reading there were 200 something replies to that comment. THATS A LOT OMG! That happened today and that is meh slice of life so yaaay. It was really fun and if I can I will post it here so you can see. I may do more of these but I don’t know. I’m calling them comment wars. See ya later!

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